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Top 5 PC Tech Advances for 2014

Posted In Technology Reviews - By Techtiplib on Thursday, April 17th, 2014 With No Comments »

Computer technology is evolving all the time and 2014 is looking to be no different. In fact, progress is being made at such a rate that some experts believe we are on the cusp of futuristic living but in the present day. Of course, some of the major advancements will only be available to certain businesses or extremely well-off buyers at the moment.

However, desktop and laptop PC’s are becoming less expensive for more people around the world. Their capabilities are improving all the time as scientific advantages are made, giving users a faster and smoother experience. Here is a run-through of some technological advances that are available throughout the next 12 months.

However, desktop and laptop PC’s are becoming less expensive for more people around the world.


Upgrades in the processors in computers are allowing for a faster and more positive experience from all aspects of the machine, whether it’s the peripherals, server or processor [1]. In 2014, Intel [2] is preparing to refresh its Haswell line, likely to be in May, where up to 20 systems will be enhanced. These include Core, Pentium and Celeron systems [3]. With these hardware upgrades, computers will be able to achieve more in less time and dissipate heat more efficiently.

Brain-Computer Interfaces

One revolutionary device already in the stages of being produced is a brain to computer interface, in essence allowing the human mind to control electronic behaviour. Although this seems like technology only available to extra-terrestrials in a science-fiction movie, its potential has already been tested for medical purposes. Sufferers of strokes, tetraplegia and ‘locked-in syndrome’ are just a few benefactors of the innovation. For 2014 and beyond, the foundations have been laid down for PC’s of the future to operate via our thoughts alone.

Google Glass

Google Glass [4] is an exciting venture by the internet giants and their billion-dollar research department in particular. If launched in 2014, it will change how we use technology for a large amount of people. In simple terms, it is a wearable computer attached to the head with the capability of reflecting projected images. The user sees information through this and can communicate with the system via voice commands.

Touchscreen Technology

Touchscreen capabilities have become an important part of the technological revolution throughout the 21st century, especially regarding the boom in Smartphone usage over the world. Many PC’s are also available to the general public with touchscreen technology integrated. They are being improved all the time and 2014 should see them become more responsive, resistive, capacitive and generally easier to use.  Many laptop users find them more useful than regular models, notably for using the mouse on an uneven surface or whilst on-the-go. 


The theme of using a computer on the move is continued with the advent of smartwatches [5]. It is a device applied the same as a conventional watch but with added features such as media players, radio, Bluetooth and phone calling capabilities, accessible via touchscreen technology. Their popularity and accessibility is increasing significantly with ownership projected to hit over 5 million worldwide by the end of 2014; a significant rise from 500,000 in 2013. This is largely down to their popularity with runners, who can track their progress whilst active.



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