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The two Tips to fix Corrupt when extracting data using Winrar

Posted In Utilities - By Jack on Friday, September 30th, 2011 With No Comments »

Two tricks that following article will help introduce you further in the process of exploitation and efficient use of this powerful compression tool.

* Tips 1: When sharing a lot of cases Online after you download all parts of the packet (usually divided into the Par1, par2 … ParN when compressed with Winrar) to extract “enter” Corrupt the error message even though the correct password. Now you do not panic Do not erase all data that try using the following method.
1. Right click Part001 (part of the first order)> select Extract Files …
2. Choose where to save the resulting file, and check the item Keep broken files.
3. Click OK to start the process to extract and import File.
-> Explanation: The default mode WinRAR will remove the corrupted file in the process of extracting and merging, hence the packets need a consolidated package fails, WinRAR will automatically stop back in position and deleting the parts that were successfully extracted … led to the import file failed and the error appears. Keep broken files option allows to retain part of the file that should fail while extracting WinRAR will ignore the errors encountered (this is used very effectively with the data file format movies, music or Software is capacity is divided into several parts and share online Online …).

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