Pictures to Color: Extract And Save Colors Used In Image
In graphic design projects, colors have a core importance, since the colors you use define how the design is going to look. Suppose you have an image comprising a lot of different color shades and effects. How are you going to differentiate each color? Pictures to Color is a portable application that lets you extract all the colors from a given image on its color palette. It also generates HEX color code and RGB, HSB and HSL values for each extracted color, so that you can easily use them in graphic design projects and web style sheet documents. Moreover, it has the ability to read all major image file formats, including PSD, JPG, PNG etc, and save the entire color palette in HTML format. To begin, drag the image over the main interface. The image will be displayed in the bottom right corner, while its color palette in the left and the HEX, RGC, HSB and HSL values of the selected color in top right corner of the interface.
If you want to keep the color palette for future use or share it with others, you can export the palette in HTML format with complete details of every color. Just click Export Palette and enter a name for the HTML file.
Pictures to Color works on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.