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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Convert a PDF to a Microsoft Office PDF, DOC or XLS File

Posted In PDF tools, Web apps - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 With No Comments »

When someone sends you a PDF, they do not always consider that you many need to edit that PDF or that you may want to print the PDF in a different format. We have been told PDFs are the most portable files available—and for the most part, they are—but sometimes editable file types just make more sense.

Convert a PDF to a Microsoft Office PDF, DOC or XLS File

If someone sends you a PDF and you want to view it as an MS Office file, try converting it to your preferred format with

First, choose the type of conversion you want to complete. You can convert a PDF to PowerPoint, Word or Excel, or you can convert any of those files to a PDF.

Next, click the Choose File button and select the PDF you want to convert.

Enter your email in the text-entry box.

Click the Start button to upload and convert your PDF. You will receive the file via email when it is finished.

In our test, it took about 5 minutes to receive the converted file. The file-size limit is 2 MB. Other services offer instant conversion with bigger file-size limits, but this service seems to offer a cleaner final copy. It is a service worth bookmarking, but probably will not become your favorite everyday tool.

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