Free 4 dictionaries for iPhone from App Store
The free app delivers trusted reference content from and NO INTERNET CONNECTION IS NEEDED TO SEARCH WORDS. The app includes nearly 2,000,000 words, definitions, synonyms and antonyms. It also features audio pronunciation, voice-to-text search and’s popular Word of the Day and Hot Word blog.
* Named as a top 10 app in the App Store’s High School Survival Guide * Voted best app for college students – US News & World Report * Recognized as a top 10 Back-to-School iPhone App – Time Magazine Features: * Dictionary and Thesaurus * Nearly 1,000,000 words and definitions in our Dictionary * More than 90,000 synonyms and antonyms in our Thesaurus * Alphabetical indexing * Spelling suggestions * Phonetic and audio pronunciation * Example sentences * Non-standard uses * Word origin and history * Daily content, including Word of the Day and our new Hot Word blog * Voice-to-Text search (for the most accurate results, please enunciate clearly and speak slowly) * Favorite words list * Custom backgrounds * Shake device to see a randomly-selected word * No Internet connection required for Dictionary and Thesaurus word look-ups * Internet connection required for daily content, voice-to-text search, audio pronunciation and spelling suggestions
More info and download:
2. Dictionary!
Dictionary! is an easy to use, no fluff dictionary app for your iPhone. Helps you find words when you need to without getting in your way.
The entire dictionary is installed on your phone! If you are offline or out of cell service, your app has 200k+ definitions right on your phone. If you have a connection you can look it up online for a more detailed definition. Built the way a dictionary should be!
Features: * 200,000+ definitions * No Connection Required! * Advanced Spell Check * Short, Simple Definitions * Thesaurus
More info and download:!/id293283136?mt=8
3. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
America’s most useful and respected dictionary.
In addition to all the definitions from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, the app offers voice search – to let you look up a word without having to spell it – along with an integrated thesaurus, example sentences, Word of the Day, Favorites, and more. A great tool for reference, education, and vocabulary building. The app is free, and supported by ads.
Features: * Voice Search * Integrated Thesaurus: Synonyms & Antonyms * Example Sentences * Audio Pronunciations * Word of the Day * Favorites * Reader View – lets you hide navigation buttons to see text in full screen * Recent History – lets you keep track of the words you’ve looked up
More info and download:
4. WordWeb Dictionary
The WordWeb English dictionary and thesaurus: fast searching, spelling suggestions, definitions, usage examples, synonyms, related words – and no adverts. An offline audio version is available separately.
The comprehensive WordWeb dictionary database includes: – 285,000 words, phrases and derived forms – 225,000 word sense definitions – 70,000 usage examples – 85,000 text pronunciations – Synonyms, similar and related words – N. American, British, Australian and international English A version with 70,000 professionally recorded audio pronunciations is available as a separate product. The intelligent word entry suggests possible correct spellings as you type, as well as listing words that sound the same or are often confused. Additional features include the ability to drill down on any word in a definition, full bookmark support and history. Search features include: – Alphabetical listing – Spelling suggestions – Sounds-like and often-confused – Fast pattern-matching search (*, ?, vowel and consonant) – Filter search results by noun, verb, adjective, adverbs – Customize search options (case, derived forms, etc)
More info and download:!/id293283136?mt=8