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Free guide: How to Use Usenet for File Sharing

Posted In Technology ebooks - By Techtiplib on Friday, February 24th, 2012 With No Comments »

Usenet is a network system which was largely superseded by the World Wide Web in the late 80′s and early 90′s as a form of communication. Usenet is a very different beast compared to the World Wide Web. In its base form the WWW is a multitude of separate spaces containing the files for a website.

Usenet content, on the other hand, is all mixed together in one giant space. Usenet differs from the WWW in that there are a number of Usenet server farms which, instead of containing different data, all communicate with each other to make sure data is available on each server farm. This means that most of the data can be accessed by anyone, regardless of which Usenet service provider they connect to or where they are in the world.

Download this free 16 page guide to read about all the benefits of Usenet. Also with this free guide you will receive daily updates on new cool websites and programs in your email for free courtesy of MakeUseOf.

How to Use Usenet for File Sharing

Click here to get the free guide: How to Use Usenet for File Sharing (password: techtiplib)

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