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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

InstaMusic: A Free, Metro-Style Music Player For Android

Posted In Mobile, Android - By Techtiplib on Monday, February 6th, 2012 With No Comments »

Windows Phone 7 might not be the most popular mobile OS right now, but that does not mean it doesn’t have anything that users of other platforms would want to see on their devices. Take WP7’s stock music player, Zune, for example. The visually appealing Metro interface of the player alone is enough to put any of its current counterparts to shame on any given day. The Android Market already has a handful of music players that replicate the looks and functionality of Zune Player. However, most of them are either paid (Ubermusic, for instance) or cluttered with too many needless features. That’s not the case with InstaMusic – the latest addition to the list of Zune-style music players for Android. What sets it apart from its competitors is the fact that it’s free, minimalistic and brings several new and handy options of its own to the table. Hit the break to find out more.

Anyone who has had a chance to play around with Zune Music Player would instantly know what to expect from InstaMusic. To begin with, it sports the same style of browsing, with songs, albums, artists, genre and playlists arranged under separate tabs. Depending upon whether you’re listening to music by artist or album, the background of the app is adjusted accordingly. It could be the a photo of the artist, the attached album art or a background of your choice for the library.

The app supports fetching artist images and biography. You must, of course, be connected to the internet for that to work.

The app’s player interface itself is quite compact. Like in the Zune Music Player, player controls are arranged along the bottom of the screen and tapping the album art reveals the shuffle and repeat buttons.

From the app’s settings screen (Menu > Settings), you can specify the default Media location, enableHeadset control and adjust Headset Button Timing, toggling album and artist background option on or off, select a custom Library background, set the player’s  Background Opacity, and plenty more.

In a nutshell, the app is what its developer describes it to be – a “simple and beautiful” music player. So, if you’re a Zune player admirer, or like to keep things simple, then InstaMusic might just become your default music player.

InstaMusic is available for free in the Android Market, and can be downloaded from the link or QR code provided below.

Download InstaMusic


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