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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Free Domain Extractor Basic: Extract Domains With Just A Click

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Friday, March 30th, 2012 With No Comments »

Those of you who are in the business of researching and maintaining lists of domain names know how cumbersome that research can get! Who hasn’t had to pore over the source code for a website to pick out legitimate domain names? Not to mention the fact that you often have to work even harder to identify subdomains, as well as domains that have extensions other than .com or .net.

Domain Extractor Basic

With Domain Extractor, your domain research workload will shrink dramatically, as your manual digging and searching is replaced by the simple act of entering a website address, or copying and pasting a block of text!

How is this possible? Just use Domain Extractor to browse to any site on the Internet and obtain a list of all of the domain names on that site with a single click! Then, with another click, export those domain names to a text file. You can even customize Domain Extractor to scan the target website for domains with up to 50 subdomains, and with extensions ranging from 1 to 20 characters!

Stop wasting valuable productivity performing manual domain name collection! Use Domain Extractor to get more work done, in less time than you ever thought possible!

Visit GIVEAWAY PAGE to get free!

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