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Outlook tips: Attach a file, message, contact, or task to an email message

Posted In MS office, Email - By Techtiplib on Sunday, March 4th, 2012 With No Comments »

Files can be attached to an email message. Also, other Outlook items, such as messages, contacts, or tasks can be included with messages that you send.

 NOTE: While Outlook doesn’t have a preset limit, many Internet service providers (ISPs) restrict the size of messages that you can send, as well as the size of your email mailbox.

Attach a file to a message

  1. Create a message, or for an existing message, click ReplyReply All, orForward.
  2. In the message window, on the Message tab, in the Include group, clickAttach File.
  1. Browse to and click the file that you want to attach, and then click Insert.

 TIP: When composing a message, you can also attach files by using the commands on the Insert tab in the Include group, or drag files from folders on your computer and drop them on the message window.

Attach an Outlook item to a message

You can attach Outlook items, such as other email messages, tasks, contacts or calendar items, to a message. This is the easiest way to forward multiple items or messages.

  1. Create a message, or for an existing message, click ReplyReply All, orForward.
  2. In the message window, on the Message tab, in the Include group, clickAttach Item.
  1. Do one of the following:
  • Point to Business Card, and then click Other Business Cards. Click a contact, and then click OK. To select multiple contacts, press and hold CTRL as you click each contact.
  • Click Calendar. Select the calendar, date range, and detail to include. For Advanced options, click Show. Click OK to add the calendar to your message.
  • Click Outlook Item. Browse through your folder list to find the folder that contains the item that you want to attach. Under Items, click the item, and then click OK.

 TIP: When composing a message, you can also attach files by using the commands on the Insert tab in the Include group, or drag files from folders on your computer and drop them on the message window.

Source: Microsoft

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