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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Get free iSpeech FB Chat Pro – Compliments of BlackBerry

Posted In Mobile, Blackberry - By Techtiplib on Saturday, April 14th, 2012 With No Comments »
iSpeech FB Chat Pro is free of charge until May 31st, compliments of BlackBerry. Thank you for choosing your BlackBerry 7 OS smartphone. 
iSpeech FB Chat Pro™ lets you chat with Facebook friends on your BlackBerry® smartphone by speaking or typing your message. 
 Get free iSpeech FB Chat Pro
    • Speak your Facebook message or type it
    • See which of your Facebook friends are online 
    • View your active chats
    • Chat with your Facebook friends

iSpeech FB Chat Pro™ is the only Facebook chat app that allows you to speak your message simply by using the “microphone button” on the screen.  Once you speak your message, it will appear in the text box, ready to send.

Get free iSpeech FB Chat Pro for your Blackberry here!

Note: This Giveaway available until May 31 2012.

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