Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Picle: Make multimedia presentation or digital storytelling free iOS

Posted In iPhone, iOS devices, iPad - By Techtiplib on Thursday, June 21st, 2012 With 1 Comment

Picle is a free app for iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch that works well for putting images and audio together to create digital stories or multimedia projects. It’s hard to imagine an app that’s easier to use.

Picle lets you capture moments on your phone, turn them into stories, and share them with your friends.

This fun app will record a few seconds of ambient audio while you snap a picture and help you to organize all your moments into a vibrant Story. It’s video for the Instagram generation – you don’t need to be a designer to get a brilliantly atmospheric effect. 

The app is really simple to use. Click Capture and choose the length of time you’d like to go with your picture, and Picle will do the rest.

Picle is much better with friends. Create an account so you can share individual Picles or whole storys, and give your friends a taste of what you’ve been up to. Finally your memories can have a soundtrack!

Picle 44 Picle 33

Picle 22 Picle 11

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later.

Get free Picle for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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