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Tips: Five Windows Command Prompt you might not know

Posted In Windows - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, July 31st, 2012 With No Comments »

These are 5 tricks for using in the command prompt that you might not know – read on to find out what they are.

Send a Command’s Output to the Clipboard

Note: This will work for any command.

How many times have you used the ipconfig command only to copy and paste the output? You will never have to do that again as you can simply send the output directly to the clipboard.

ipconfig | clip

tech tips, tricks, Command Prompt, windows

Open Command Prompt From a Folder

Have you ever opened the command prompt and entered endless cd commands trying to get to a folder ? If the answer is yes then you will pleased to know that you can actually save a lot of time by opening a command prompt within a folder from Explorer. All you have to do is hold shift while right-clicking on a folder and the option will appear in the context menu.

tech tips, tricks, Command Prompt, windows

Command History

You most likely have been pressing the up key to get to your previous commands, but this can be a pain when you are trying to track down a particular command. One other way you can view your past command is to use the doskey command.

doskey /history

 tech tips, tricks, Command Prompt, windows

Drag and Drop Files to Change the Current Path

Another neat trick if you are not a fan of opening a command prompt from the context menu is the ability to drag and drop folders onto the prompt and have it automatically enter the path of the folder.

tech tips, tricks, Command Prompt, windows

Run Multiple Commands In One Go

Our final trick of the day is one that many command line geeks may already know, the ability to run multiple command at once by linking them with double ampersands. You can do this with any commands and you can link up as many as you want:

ipconfig && netstat

tech tips, tricks, Command Prompt, windows


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