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How to set up Google account on Windows Phone

Posted In Mobile, Windows Phone - By Techtiplib on Saturday, August 11th, 2012 With No Comments »

To set up an email account on your phone, you must have a working cellular data or Wi-Fi connection.  If your contacts are stored on your PC, you’ll need to import them into Google account or another online service before you can sync them to your phone.

1. On Start, flick left to the App list, tap Settings , and then tap Email + accounts.
2. Tap Add an account >> Google.
3. Tap the Email address box, and then type your user name.
4. Tap the Password box, and then type your password.
5. Tap Sign in.

Your Google Mail email and contacts in your Google account will be synced to your phone.


If you’re using a Google Apps account and you want to sync your calendar to your phone too, you’ll need to have the Enable Google Sync setting turned on in the Google Apps administrator control panel. (You need to have administrative privileges to log in to the Google Apps administrator control panel, or you’ll need to contact your system administrator).

You’ll then need to enable Google Sync for your user account. In your web browser on your PC, go to Mobile settings for your Google Apps account, and then enable Google Sync under Service settings. After doing that, on your phone, in Settings >Email & accounts, tap your Google account name, tap Calendar under Content to sync, and then tap Done .

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