Chance to get $500 USD in cash from UnoTelly
UnoDNS allows you to channels like Netflix, Hulu, BBC iPlayer, Channel 4oD, Pandora, even if you don’t live in USA or UK.
On 1st Sep, 2012 UnoTelly will running a special contest, this contest will end at 23:59 Eastern Standard Time, September 30, 2012. On this contest, you will have a chance to win $500 in cash and 06 months of UnoTelly and Netflix USA subscription. Do the steps below to join this contest:
Step 1
Sign up free and try UnoTelly if you haven’t done so.
Step 2
Write up a short snippet about your experience with UnoTelly. It can be about what UnoTelly does; how you enjoyed UnoTelly; how to use UnoTelly to unblock channels. You can also recommend UnoTelly to others and let them know how they can benefit from using UnoTelly.
Step 3
Share your short snippet online through your favourite mediums. You will earn score based on the type of social medium you choose. Your total score determines your chance of winning. For example, if you shared your story by creating one forum topic on your favourite forum and sharing it on Facebook, you will receive a total of 7+3 = 10 points. Your chance of winning is 10/the total number of score of all contestants. Every share to a different place counts as a separate entry. For example, you can share the same experience-snippet to 10 different places and will be counted as 10 ballots. However, you cannot share the same snippet at the same channel. To share again in the same channel, your snippet has to be different.
Scoring Scheme
– New Forum Topic: 7 points
– Forum post: 3 points
– Twitter: 3 points (hashtag #unotellyrocks)
– Blog Reply Comment: 1 points
– Others: 1 points
Step 4
Once you’ve shared your story online. You want to document your shares. For each share, please prepare the following:
- The URL link of the post/topic of your share (Forum/blog topic).
- If #1 is not available, please take a screenshot of your share such as Facebook share to prove your share.
- It is highly recommend to take a screenshot of your share as a proof in the event of loss of your entry.
Step 5
Once you’ve organized everything, you can submit your entry via e-mail to Please follow the required formating:
– E-mail Subject: First name, Last name
– E-mail Body: URL links of your shares
– Attachment: If applicable – relevant screenshot of your shares; please name it using firstname_lastname.format.

Step 6
Done! You can repeat the process and share as much as you want. There is no limit how much you can share. Every share increases your chance of winning.
Step 7
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter because the winners will be announced through our social media pages.
Learn more of Giveaway Rules or visit Contest page here.
Join now and good luck to you!