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How to use and download free Empty Folder Cleaner V1.0

Posted In Utilities, Portable apps - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, September 12th, 2012 With No Comments »

Empty Folder Cleaner is a free advanced utility to delete empty folders from your computer and remove the clutter in order to increase performance. 

Removing empty folders that are empty, or do contain only empty subfolders, or junk files , will increase the speed of file searches and the overall performance of your computer.


– Delete empty folders from your computer and remove the clutter in order to increase performance. 

– Backup files of the folders that are deleted can be kept and each deletion can be undone. 

– Specify protected folders, protected files, junk files and folders to ignore using wildcards and regular expressions. 

– Empty folders can be deleted permanently, deleted to the recycle bin or can be stored as a backup compressed in a zip file. 

– In order to avoid deletion error messages, before deleting folders they are being unlocked, if they are currently in use, using the Free File Unlocker engine. 

– Translated into 38 languages.

Download free Empty Folder Cleaner V1.0

How to use:

Before deleting empty folders make sure that they are not useful and important ! 

At first, run the application and select the folders you want to scan by checking them on the folder browser that is on the left side of the screen. 

Alternatively, you can select the folders you want to scan in Windows Explorer and the right click on them and select “Remove Empty Folders” from the menu and the application will open automatically with the specified folders selected.

freeware, utilities, clean empty folder


freeware, utilities, clean empty folder

Select “Options” from the “Tools” menu to access the various options of the applications.

There, it is possible to specify whether the empty folders will be deleted permenantly, moved to the recycle bin or will be compressed into a backup zip file.

Moreover, it is also possible there to restore previous backup files.

You can also specify which filenames will be considered as junk files e.g. desktop.ini or thumbs.db.

The user can also specify which folders to ignore i.e. which folders not to examine for empty folders.

Additionally, the user can also specify the protected folders i.e. the folders that will never be deleted, even if they are considered as empty or junk.

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