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Tips to Disable Startup Screen in Office 2013

Posted In MS office - By Techtiplib on Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 With 2 Comments

Whenever you launch an Office 2013 application, you are greeted with a splash screen. If you haven’t noticed, the screen does have a close button. Clicking on the close button every time you launch any office 2013 application is annoying. In Office 2010, if you want to disable the splash screen, you have to use different commands for each program. But in Office 2013, Microsoft has an option to disable it. 

tech tips, tips, MS office, MS Word, microsoft, word 2013

Note: I’m showing the option in Microsoft Word, but it’s the same for every office application.

Open Microsoft Word 2013 and select the blank document template.

tech tips, tips, MS office, MS Word, microsoft, word 2013

After it opens click File.

tech tips, tips, MS office, MS Word, microsoft, word 2013

Then click Options on the left sidebar.

tech tips, tips, MS office, MS Word, microsoft, word 2013

Click on General Tab.

tech tips, tips, MS office, MS Word, microsoft, word 2013

Under Startup options, uncheck the option that says Show the Start Screen When the Application Starts and click OK.

tech tips, tips, MS office, MS Word, microsoft, word 2013

Now, whenever you will start Microsoft Word 2013, it will not display the splash screen.  

Via groovypost

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