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Tips: Turn on Fast Startup Missing in Windows 8 Power Options

Posted In Windows - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 With No Comments »

If you have a PC running Windows 8, you definitely want to make sure your machine is booting as fast as possible. By default, Windows 8 enables a feature called Fast Startup or Hybrid Shutdown that can load Windows 8 as quickly as 7 seconds on certain hardware. Basically, it performs a partial hibernation of kernel files and device drivers.

You can check to see whether your Windows 8 system is using fast startup by going to the Control Panel, opening Power Options and clicking on Choose what the power button does. 

tech tips, tips, windows, windows 8

Then scroll down and you should see the Turn on fast startup box checked.

tech tips, tips, windows, windows 8

However, there may be certain cases where you don’t see the Turn on fast startup option at all like shown below:

tech tips, tips, windows, windows 8

In this case, it means that hibernation is not enabled on your Windows 8 machine. In order to get the option back, you have to enable hibernation. You can do this by opening an elevated command prompt (go to the Start Screen, right-click and choose All apps, scroll to the right and then right-click on Command Prompt and click on Run as Administrator) and typing in the following command:

powercfg /hibernate on

That’s about it. Now you should be able to enjoy the benefits of the speedier startup in Windows 8.

Via Online-tech-tips

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