Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

[Freeware] NetCut 2.1.4

Posted In Internet - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 With No Comments »

This a free Windows tool designed to scan the computers in your network and provide information on every single machine.

While you may find the interface a bit unprofessional, you need a few minutes to figure out where to start.

NetCut automatically scans your network and retrieves information on the connected machines, with dedicated tools to find a specific IP. A very good feature is the one that allows you to choose a different network adapter in case you’re using multiple ones at the same time.

With NetCut you can easily manage and track network events and protect users from ARP SPOOF based attacks with only one click! Also you can cut down any computer’s gateway network connection in no time using pure ARP protocol kernel enhanced cut off function keeping it trace free (nobody will be able to trace what happened).

NetCut works great on many type of networks like home LAN, office LAN, school LAN or even ISP LAN.


Easy to use

One click to Protect user Computer Function!!! No one in the network can cut you off with ARP spoof technology anymore .


One Click to Cut down any computers network connection to the gateway. 


Get all IP addresses of the computers in your LAN(Local Area Network) in Secs

High applicability

Work in office LAN,school LAN,or even ISP LAN 
Have Fun with play the online computer make them online or off line remotely 


TRACE Free, No one will TRACE out what happen and last More Stable,swich-hub or hub or cable lan any Lan use Ethernet

 freeware, netwwork checker, internet

Download free NetCut 2.1.4 

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