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How to record from microphone with GiliSoft Audio Recorder Free

Posted In Audio tools - By Techtiplib on Friday, October 5th, 2012 With No Comments »

Recording sound from microphone is quite simple. All you need is a microphone connected to the “Mic” jack of your sound card (some sound cards don’t have any special jack for microphone, it’s rather a combined “line-in” jack) and a piece of software called sound recorder. We will record a sample from our microphone using GiliSoft Audio Recorder Free. As the name suggests, the program is capable of recording sound directly to MP3 format, which greatly reduces size of recorded files.

Step 1: Download and install the program

Step 2: Start the program. Make your microphone active

For Windows XP and earlier systems, you will need to activate microphone by checking the corresponding box. In Windows Vista, sound recording devices window looks different:

This is the system controls for recording devices:

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Highlight “Microphone” by clicking on it (1), then click “Set Default” in the lower part of the window (2). This will activate your microphone. Click “OK” to close the window.

If you don’t see any microphone device in the list, right-click the list and check “Show Disabled Devices” and “Show Disconnected Devices“:

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Step 3: Record from microphone

Now everything is set up, and we can click ‘Record‘ button to start recording our voice.

Learn How to record streaming audio or music with GiliSoft Audio Recorder Free

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