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Tech tips: How to add borders in Microsoft Office Word 2007

Posted In MS office - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 With No Comments »

With Office Word 2007 plus Office Suite, students can create colorful assignments that rival web and other media by adding borders, outlines, fill colors, tables, text boxes, WordArt (see Add or delete a fill, outline, or effect for text or WordArt in Word, Powerpoint and Excel), and other effects to emphasize ideas and an attractive page layout.

Add borders to pages, paragraphs, or text

  1. Open a document in Office Word 2007. If you want to add a border to a paragraph or text, select it. Typically, borders are added as a finishing touch after a document has been written.
  2. On the Page Layout tab in the Page Background group, click Page Borders.
  3. In the Borders and Shading dialog box, do one of the following:In the center section, modify the line style, border color, and width. You can even click Art to add a design to a page border.
    1. To add a paragraph or text border, click the Borders tab.
    2. To add a page border, click the Page Border tab.
    3. Under Setting, click the type of border you want.
tech tips, tips, word 2007, office, ms word, word tips, border and sharing, picture border, table border, page borger, text border

5. Check Preview to see how the border will look. Click the buttons to add or remove borders along the sides, top, and bottom.

6. Click Apply to, and select the parts of the document that you want the border to enclose, such as Text, Paragraph, or Section. Then, click OK.

Add borders or outlines to pictures, charts, and other objects

1. Open a document in Office Word 2007. Typically, borders are added as a finishing touch after a document has been written and objects are added.
2. Select the object, and then click the object Format tab.
tech tips, tips, word 2007, office, ms word, word tips, border and sharing, picture border, table border, page borger, text border

3. In the object Styles group, click the Shape Outline or Picture Border button.
4. Select the color, line weight, and style of the border.
5. Click the object Effects button to further enhance the border with, for example, a shadow or a reflection.

Add borders to a table

1. Open a document in Office Word 2007, and select the table to which you want to add borders.
2. On the Table Tools Design tab in the Table Styles group, click the arrow next to Borders.

tech tips, tips, word 2007, office, ms word, word tips, border and sharing, picture border, table border, page borger, text border

3. Select the placement of borders. For example, you can add borders around every cell of the table or just around the outside of it.
4. For more options, click the Borders button. In the Borders and Shading dialog box, select where you want borders, and choose the other border attributes. Then, click OK.

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