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Tech tips: How to protect yourself with Internet Explorer 10

Posted In Security, Browser, Internet - By Techtiplib on Saturday, October 27th, 2012 With No Comments »

Socialize, shop, study, share, work—these are all things you probably do daily on the web that might make your personal information available to other people. Internet Explorer 10 helps protect you with better behind-the-scenes security and more control over your privacy.

Keep your browsing more private

There are a few simple things you can do that will keep your PC and your information more protected.

Browse InPrivate

Browsers store info like your search history to help improve your experience. When you use an InPrivate tab, you can browse like you normally do, but things like passwords, search history, and webpage history is deleted when you close the tab. Open a new InPrivate tab by tapping or clicking the Tab tools button Tab tools , and then tapping or clicking New InPrivatetab.

Delete your browsing history

From the Settings charm, tap or click Internet Options, and then tap or click Delete. This clears webpage history, any saved passwords, temporary files, and cookies that have been collected as you browse.

Browse with confidence

SmartScreen Filter and the Do Not Track header are easily enabled in Internet Explorer 10.

Do Not Track header

The Do Not Track header sends a signal to websites that you prefer not to have information collected about your visit used to track you as you browse the web. How the sites you visit choose to respond or interpret Do Not Track requests is subject to those sites’ privacy practices.

SmartScreen Filter

If a site seems suspicious, you probably shouldn’t be downloading apps from it or providing your account or personal information. But sometimes it’s hard to tell whether or not a site is legitimate. SmartScreen helps you identify reported phishing and malware sites and also helps you make informed decisions about app downloads.


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