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Tech tips: How to Set a Custom Vibration in iOS6 for iPhone

Posted In iPhone, iOS devices - By Techtiplib on Thursday, October 18th, 2012 With No Comments »

iOS 6 now has several different vibrations and also allows you to create your own vibration that helps you identify why your phone is going off and if it’s important enough for you to leave the meeting, church, class, etc.

Recommended reading: How to create custom vibrations on the iPhone?

This tip is only available for the iPhone. The iPad isn’t included. I assume the prevailing thinking is that you don’t get phone calls on your iPad, but you do get texts, and I do silence my iPad sometimes as well, so that’s perhaps a little shortsighted on Apple’s part.

tech tips, tips, iPhone, iOS, iOS 6, vibration setting, iPad, iPod touch

Going to the settings app on your iPhone, find “Sounds” listed on the menu listing. Clicking on that, it gives you choices of “Vibrate on Ring”, “Vibrate on Silent”, a volume button, and the different actions that require a notification sound/vibration. To change a vibration pattern, click on one off the alerts, such as Ringtone.

tech tips, tips, iPhone, iOS, iOS 6, vibration setting, iPad, iPod touch

On the resulting page, it lists all of the ringtones, both the native ones that came with iOS 6, as well as any that you have purchased or created. Below that list is all of the Alert Tones that are native, purchased, or created. On top of both of these lists is the selected Vibration. To change it, tap the name on the right side.

tech tips, tips, iPhone, iOS, iOS 6, vibration setting, iPad, iPod touch

This gives you a list of all the vibrations that were included with iOS 6. There’s quite a few of them. They allow you to customize your alerts just the way you do with the audio ringtones. I get emails all the time, so I don’t want that vibration to be something very involved. I chose Quick for that. There’s an S.O.S. vibration on there for those situations where someone might be notifying you for help, or offering you the help that you need. There are several to choose from, but suppose none of these fit your needs? Click on the last option on the bottom, Create New Vibration.

tech tips, tips, iPhone, iOS, iOS 6, vibration setting, iPad, iPod touch


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