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Tech tips: How to use eyedropper to match colors on your slide in Powerpoint 2013

Posted In MS office - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 With No Comments »

Tired of laboriously trying to precisely match the colors of shapes and pictures, to other parts of your PowerPoint presentation to give your slides a cohesive look? Let PowerPoint do the work for you with the new eyedropper.

Double-click the shape or other thing you want to match colors for. (Yes, you can select multiples. Press Ctrl and then click the shapes.) Then click any of the color options, such as Shape Fill in the Shapes Style group, found on the Format tab under Drawing Tools.

tech tips, tips, MS Powerpoint 2013, office 2013, MS office, powerpoint tip, eyedropper

Using the eyedropper, click the color you want to match and apply to the selected shape or object.

tech tips, tips, MS Powerpoint 2013, office 2013, MS office, powerpoint tip, eyedropper

As you move your pointer around the different colors, a live preview of the color appears. Hover or pause on a color to see its RGB (Red Green Blue) color coordinates. Click on the color you want. For a more accurate way of getting the exact color you want when many colors are clustered together, select the color by pressing Enter or Space bar instead. 

tech tips, tips, MS Powerpoint 2013, office 2013, MS office, powerpoint tip, eyedropper

To cancel the eyedropper without picking a color, press Esc.

Tip: You can also match colors anywhere on your screen. After clicking Eyedropper, click and hold the mouse button as you drag your mouse to the color you want to match. The eyedropper goes away when you move outside PowerPoint, but the color will still preview and be matched.

Source: Microsoft

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