Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

[Freeware] FreeTunes 3.0 – The universal audio converter

Posted In Audio tools - By Techtiplib on Saturday, November 17th, 2012 With 2 Comments

FreeTunes enables you to convert your purchased CDs, DVDs, music- and video files legally into more compatible formats (which can still be played tomorrow). In addition to audio CDs and video DVDs (for ripping the sound tracks) also music files, audio books, podcasts and video clips are supported. For output you can select between MP3, AAC, OGG, WMA & WAV and even create ring tones for the iPhone!

You downloaded music videos from YouTube, Clipfish or other portals e.g. with our freeware MovieSaver and want to convert them into pure music files?

You want to rip your collection of audio CDs, call title information from the Internet automatically, integrate suitable covers and do all this with several CDs simultaneously?

freeware, audio tool, media tool, audio converter

Download FreeTunes 3.0 for FREE here

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