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Tech tips: How to share a spreadsheet, document, presentation, or notebook in SkyDrive

Posted In MS office, Online Storage - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 With No Comments »

Your Office document is stored on SkyDrive. Now share it with your friends, or with the world.

1. Go to your SkyDrive, and right-click the document, and then click Share.

tech tips, tips, skydrive, share on skydrive, Excel Web App, OneNote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App, Excel Web App, OneNote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App

2. Type the email address of the person you want to share with. Press ENTER between multiple addresses. When you click Share your message includes a link to the document.

Share with care

Remember that if someone forwards your mail to someone else, and you didn’t select Require everyone who accesses this to sign in, whoever receives the mail will be able to see the document. So if you want the document just for your recipients to see, select that checkbox before you hit Share.

tech tips, tips, skydrive, share on skydrive, Excel Web App, OneNote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App, Excel Web App, OneNote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App

Editing is different. You give permission to edit a document, and the people with permission have to sign in to SkyDrive to edit. That way, your document doesn’t get edited by strangers.

You don’t need to worry about closing the document for others to open it. In Word Web App, Excel Web App, and OneNote Web App you and your friends can edit the document at the same time.

Share with your community

Instead of sending email, you might want to share your document with your community on FaceBook, MySpace, or LinkedIn. To do that, click the Post to link, and then pick where you want to share. (The first time you do this, click Add services to connect to your social networking services.)

tech tips, tips, skydrive, share on skydrive, Excel Web App, OneNote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App, Excel Web App, OneNote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App

Share with the world

You can make your document public, so that when someone searches the web or clicks a link, your document opens in their web browser. To do this, click Get a link, and then click Make public.

tech tips, tips, skydrive, share on skydrive, Excel Web App, OneNote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App, Excel Web App, OneNote Web App, PowerPoint Web App, Word Web App

Press Ctrl+C to copy the resulting URL, and then paste it into mail, IM, your FaceBook page or Twitter post—wherever you want to share the document.

If you’re pasting in a tweet, or if the URL just seems too long, click Shorten, and then copy it.

Via Microsoft

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