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Use Android with Your Computer-Tips

Posted In Mobile, Android - By Techtiplib on Sunday, November 18th, 2012 With No Comments »

A cell phone having android is always a blessing and an extra bliss in life for a person. There are number of tips and tricks to support tasks of daily routine with the use of android phone’s apps as the help android provides is a huge aid for a busy man.

One handy tip for android users to use the Gmail links in an efficient manner is the addition of quick controls use in the browser. The lab function is the experience to enhance functions of all the programs within it. On your phone, you must click the settings of the browser page and then click the labs, after enabling it, press quick controls to get the fastest possible browser on phone rather than sitting idle and wait of search results. The extra items will vanish from your mobile screen then; the only benefit you avail is the speedy web search functions. In this way, tiny options on android fill you with the rich information and access to required personal or official data at the same time when you feel the need to catch it.

Currently, another wonderful idea is the control of your computer device through your android phone; the unified remote app is the coolest option here. The app for controlling computer device is used with the help of a remote client which runs the system of laptop or PC in an easy manner without seeing or operating the device. This is really an exciting trip in the hands of technology. This gives you with the entire necessary mind blowing and time saving experiences. The creation of personalized clients as remote use and the aid of mouse, keyboards and other tools are also provided in this android support tool. There is nothing left in the control of computer which you cannot operate through the phone. The management of windows, players and functions are all tackled by the phone.

After both of the above mentioned tip and a trick for android and computer use, here is the power feature of android to take the help of doer as an automated item. That special tool mixes the powers of both technological programs. This tip and trick as a last target of the android is useful for the maximum use of both powerful devices. The Tasker app is the name of the smart power for smart device and smarter tool energy. As a right side of this app, the phone tasker is the automatic responder for the activities a device is supposed to do when something indulged in the device from outside or inside sources. The best work of this app is the control of the emerging responses in an expected manner without any help. The great part of tasks performed by the tasker is the sorting and categorizing of the functions an app manages and deals.

There is no end for the apps and the creation of the apps to connect phones and computers is a marvelous inventory of minds to handle fabulous life blessings. 

Author Bio

Out of his passion and desperate desire, Lanroni writes tech post and technology tips on internet tips and internet security.

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