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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

What’s new in Firefox 17?

Posted In Browser, Internet - By Techtiplib on Saturday, November 24th, 2012 With 1 Comment

Firefox 17 has been released a few days ago (Download Firefox 17). The biggest change is the integration of Facebook social network, but you have to manually turn it on by typing in the browser bar “about: config”> press enter> click “I’ll be carefuly …”> type in “social . enabled” into the search box and press enter> double click on the current line to its own transition from “False” to “True”> immediately you will see the 4 Facebook icon on the address bar and frame Facebook chat.

firefox, browser, new features, tech tips, tips, internet

If you want to disable the Facebook sidebar, then click on the Facebook icon on the toolbar and uncheck “Show sidebar”. The benefit of this icon, you will know I have a message, a comment or a friend request from Facebook. The sidebar is divided into two: the top displays the updates from your friends, the bottom is Facebook Messenger lets you chat with your friends. When a chat message, the window will show up immediately on the screen. In general, the integration is also quite interesting.

The 2nd major changes in Firefox 17 is plugin “click-to-play”. This means that Firefox will not load the Flash plugin is embedded on the site until you click on them.

If you want to see, you have to click, Firefox will load it up for you. In the past to do this, you must install an add-on for firefox, he does not need any more. But there are things you have to activate the Click-to-play plugin by typing ” about: config “to open the configuration page, then type” plugins.click_to_play “into the search box and double-click the value returns to pop it up.

firefox, browser, new features, tech tips, tips, internet, firefox 17

Two changes in the 17 times this is the cessation of support MacOS 10.5 Leopard and introduction to web programming features “iFrame sandboxing” to enhance security.

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