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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

FREE download The Ultimate Windows 8 Kit

Posted In Ebooks, Computer - By Techtiplib on Sunday, December 30th, 2012 With No Comments »

Featuring an unusual tile-based Start screen that’s optimized for touchscreen devices, Windows 8 will be available on new computers, laptops and ultrabooks, hybrid tablets and even a new range of Microsoft-branded, iPad-style tablets called Microsoft Surface. Whichever device you end up running Windows 8 on, you’ll need to know a few things. First, how are you going to get the data from your current operating system to the new one? Second, you’ll probably be wondering where the famous Microsoft desktop has gone. Finally, you might be wondering just what is going on: why did Microsoft discard the Start menu, and why does its replacement look like it was designed for children? Also with this free Windows 8 kit you will receive daily updates on new cool websites and programs in your email for free courtesy of MakeUseOf.

Included in the Ultimate Windows 8 kit is one 44 page guide and two Windows 8 cheat sheets:

  • Getting Started: Your Guide to Windows 8
  • Windows 8 Cheat Sheet: Touch and Mouse Gestures
  • Windows 8 Cheat Sheet: Keyboard Shortcuts

Free download ebook The Ultimate Windows 8 Kit

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