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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

How to Get the Most out of your Refurbished Laptop from Day 1

Posted In Hardware, Products Review - By Techtiplib on Thursday, December 6th, 2012 With No Comments »

When you take your laptop out of the box, you can use all of the features safe in the knowledge that it is working at optimum speed and is virus free. As the months pass, your laptop can become sluggish but these tips can help to prolong the life of your laptop.

Have a Clear Out

Just like your home, your laptop can become cluttered with documents and programs and this can make it slower and less responsive. Organise the documents on your desktop and clear out all of the things that you no longer need. Once you have done this, empty the trash and de-clutter but always remember to back up any important data before you begin.

Invest in High Quality Laptop Accessories

Protecting your laptop with accessories such as laptop cases can help to keep it looking newer for longer while protecting it from accidental damage. It is easy to drop your laptop and if you do not have a case, this could result in expensive repairs.

Cleaning your Laptop

Regular maintenance is all part and parcel of keeping your laptop looking new and cleaning it from time to time is essential. However, cleaning your laptop can sometimes do more harm than good. It is essential that you use only products that are recommended to be used with your model of laptop and make sure that you buy them from a trusted source. Use a soft cloth to protect your laptop from scratches and use rapid circular movements to prevent streaks.

Don’t Fall in to Bad Habits

Sometimes it is easier to shut our laptops without shutting the machine down properly especially when you are in a rush. Shutting your laptop down properly only takes a minute and will ensure that your machine is completely off instead of on stand by.

If you are looking for a new laptop but don’t want to spend a fortune, you can find a superb selection of refurbished laptops from all of the top brands online at SCH Trade. 

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