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Tech tips: Tips to Share a File Using Google Docs

Posted In Internet, Online Storage - By Techtiplib on Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 With No Comments »

Google Docs allows you to create and share any type of Google Doc file, so you and others can easily collaborate on them online without the inconvenience of emailing files to each other or constantly uploading and downloading files.

How to share:

– Log in to your Google Docs account and locate the document you want to share.

– Open the “Share” option. If you’re viewing the document itself, click the blue “Share” button near the top of the document. If you’re viewing your document file list in Google Docs, check the box next to the document you want to share and then click the “More” drop-down menu near the top; there you can select “Share,” then “Share” again.

– Select the person or people you want to share the file with. You can click the “Choose from contacts” link to open another window and select contacts from your address book, or you can begin typing a name or email address from your address book and that person’s contact information will automatically populate. Another option is to type individual email addresses separated by a comma.

– Click the drop-down menu to the right of each person you’re sharing the file with to specify one of three access privileges. “Can edit” allows recipients to view and alter the document as well as add comments that don’t actually alter the document’s contents. “Can comment” only allows recipients to view the document and add comments to it. “Can view” allows recipients to view the document but not edit it or add comments.

– Click “Share & save” to share the document.

cloud storage, google docs, internet, online storage, tech tips, tips


When you click the “Share & save” button Google Docs automatically sends recipients an email regarding the file sharing. You can disable the email by removing the check beside the “Notify people via email” option. This means the people you share the file with can access it by logging into their Google Docs account, but they won’t receive an email notification about the file sharing.

You can change the settings for shared documents anytime you want by checking the document again and clicking “More,” then “Share,” then “Share” just as you did when initially setting up sharing. Here you can change users’ access privileges or click the “X” next to their names to remove their access entirely.

If you grant editing access to another user, that person can alter anything at all within the document, so you should be sure you trust that person with editing privileges. If someone does make unwanted changes, you can always open the document and click “File” within Google Docs and then select “See revision history” in the resulting submenu. A box will appear with previous versions of the document that you can revert to.

Users with editing privileges can also share the document with others, so you may want to tell those with editing privileges whether you want them to share the document or not. Users with only comment or view privileges cannot share the document without specifically requesting permission from the document owner.

Via ehow

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