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Tips to Take The Best Pictures with your iPhone

Posted In iPhone, iOS devices, iPad - By Techtiplib on Saturday, December 1st, 2012 With No Comments »

Here some tips for you to taking better pictures with your iPhone:

1. Turn the flash from Auto to Off. If your picture is too dark, then try using the flash, just remember it might wash out your subject, cause red-eye, and glare.

2. Turn on the grid. Just lining your subject up using the rule of thirds will make a huge difference in how your photos turn out.

3. Tap to set the focus and exposure. Get what you want in focus, in focus. Apps like Camera+ let you set the exposure and focus separately, the default camera app doesn’t.

4. Tap and hold to set the exposure to enable the focus/exposure lock.

5. Turn on HDR from options. Remember not all settings are worth HDR and it will take a little longer to process in HDR mode.

6. Avoid digital zoom. The photo quality will degrade quickly. Sometimes you can achieve the same effect with cropping.

7. Panorama works only under iOS 6 and on iPhone 4S iPhone 5.

8. Tap the arrow in Panorama mode to switch direction

9. Turn your phone landscape to take a vertical panorama

See How to use iOS Notifications the right way

Via iphonehacks

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