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CES 2013: new devices which will improve the gaming experience?

Posted In Products Review, Technology Reviews - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, January 8th, 2013 With No Comments »

CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2013 takes place from the 8th to the 11th of January in Las Vegas, the casino capital of the US, and for all of us who enjoy a little gaming at a real or online casino there are plenty of new devices on show that will improve our gaming experience, so let’s take a brief look as some of the more exciting ones.

For fixed computers and laptops the new driver is Window 8. It really isn’t that bad, but it is crying out for computers with integrated touch screens so that it can be used to its full extent. Although Microsoft has only a small presence at the show, there is no shortage of desktop computers designed for Windows 8. But will there be an affordable Windows 8 laptop with a touch screen? If so, then this would be the ideal laptop for online gaming.

CES 2013: new devices which will improve the gaming experience?But the world really has moved on from PCs and laptops; it is now a mobile world and there are plenty of mobile devices on show. Unveiled is the Samsung Galaxy S IV, or if not the actual smartphone, there is certainly much talk about it as well as some leaked images. The device will have a 2 GHz quad-core processor and a five inch super AMOLED HD display with a resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels.

A significant theme is “sensor-isation” – in other words making everything smarter by adding ever more sensors. Gesture control is the next big thing in user interfaces, and it is perfect for the latest gaming applications.

The other main area is TV, and here the stars are ultra-high definition TVs; however a couple of years ago the stars were 3D TVs, and let’s face it these have never really got off the ground. The problem with that sort of technology is the lack of content to view on it, after all, content is still king.

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