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Enjoy Action Pack Movie Avengers Assemble

Posted In Technology Reviews, Products Review - By Techtiplib on Thursday, January 24th, 2013 With No Comments »

The people who love to watch action movies would love to watch Avengers Assemble movie from Tesco. I know that many of you like Captain America while others like to watch movies of Iron Man but it is this movie that allows you to watch all superheroes at one place.


The storyline is quite generally as heroes get together to save the earth and the human race from the villain. You will be able to watch Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.),  Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans) and the Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson).  Nick furry of S-H-I-E-L-D combines all human heroes just to save the earth from Loki and his army.

 A Full Action Pack

It is an entertaining movie for action genre movie lovers. Every moment of it is entertaining since every superhero is here to show his/her talent. The god thing about this movie is that it’s equal space to all big superheroes, you never feel that one hero gets more highlight than other. It is trying to entertain you through top super heroes of this era. When you get bored from the action of Iron Man then Thor is here to show his powers to you.

A fight of Good with Bad

No doubt, there are a number of movies which have based on the same concept, but as far as avengers is concerned, it is a team effort. There is not a single human being to fight with the biggest threat to the earth. You are able to meet the people of good people who have combined their powers just to save the human beings.

A Message of Movie

Loki is just an example of bad power while in reality there are number of bad people in our society. If we get together and combine our powers against them, then this earth will become heaven.

A fact About Avengers Assemble

If you didn’t watch this movie before then you definitely miss a great fun. I’m going to share a fact stat of this movie with you. It is third highest grossing film of 2012, highest grossing film of super heroes, and highest grossing film based on comics; you can check Wikipedia for more reference.  

So, it’s time to get Avengers Assemble DVD from Tesco and start enjoying this full pack action movie. You can watch this movie with the family as every member of your family will grab fun from it.

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