Get FREE novaPDF Lite v7 from Softpedia Exclusive Giveaway
Using novaPDF, both individual users and businesses are able to create PDF documents and easily share them, making the process of collaboration more efficient. With just a few clicks, you can have your company’s reports, contracts, workflows, agreements, marketing plans, spreadsheets, forms, products list, price list, charts, emails or other printable documents converted in PDF format. Its purpose is to enable users to exchange electronic documents easier, independently of the application in which they were initially created. The resulted PDF files can be viewed on any computer with a PDF viewer (reader) installed. (See more PDF tools)
novaPDF Lite will install itself as a virtual printer, so, in order to create a PDF, all you have to do is print the file and select novaPDF as output printer, of course. You are no longer confined to a single application, PDFs can easily be generated from any application with a printing function − be it Notepad, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Excel, AutoCAD or even your browser or email client.
First of all, novaPDF not only allows you to create high-quality, searchable PDF files, but you can also customize their settings. You’ll be able to set document information (title, subject, author, keywords, etc), orientation, resolution, page size and scaling.
One of the main advantages of novaPDF is the ability to create profiles: with each profile you can customize various settings for your PDF, whether it’s page size, resolution, fonts or saving settings.
- Add Bookmarks
- Set Watermarks
- PDF Security
- Overlay PDF files