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How to Export All Content, Posts, or Pages in WordPress blog

Posted In Webmaster, WordPress, Wordpress tips - By Techtiplib on Sunday, January 6th, 2013 With No Comments »

Exporting and important content between WordPress installations is a common occurrence. Many people use complicated plugins for this task; however, by using the WordPress Export menu, most exporting tasks can be easily accomplished.

Through the Tools -> Export menu in WP, users can export posts, pages, custom fields, categories, tags, users, and any other piece of WordPress info you can think of. This export process is simple. The data will be exported into an XML file which is also known as a WXR file (WP extended RSS)

You can then use this exported file and import it to another WordPress install via the Import menu.

Export all content

In your WordPress Dashboard look in the navigation bar on the left, click on Tools and then click the Export link underneath Tools.

Export Content WordPress 1

From the Export screen in WordPress, select All Content and then Download Export File. This will download everything, including posts, pages, users, and other data. Binary data such as images will not be downloaded.

export content, export posts, export pages, tech tips, tips, web master, wordpress, wordpress tips, wordpress tricks

After clicking Download Export File, a download box will appear and ask you to save an .xml file. Your data will download.
export content, export posts, export pages, tech tips, tips, web master, wordpress, wordpress tips, wordpress tricks

Export Posts Only

What if I don’t want to export everything? We can export specific elements such as posts or pages. Additionally, we can use filters to focus our export to specific content only.

Instead of selecting for all content on the Export screen, just select Posts to export posts only. You will see a large range of options.

export content, export posts, export pages, tech tips, tips, web master, wordpress, wordpress tips, wordpress tricks

  • Categories: Select posts from a certain category.
  • Authors: Select posts posted by specific authors.
  • Date Range: Select the starting and ending date to export posts between two dates.
  • Status: Select posts based on their status, such as published, drafts, or pending.

Export Pages Only

From the Export screen, select the Pages link to export only the Pages data.

export content, export posts, export pages, tech tips, tips, web master, wordpress, wordpress tips, wordpress tricks

Likewise, you will be a large selection of filters to help focus which data export.

  • Authors: Select pages authored by a certain person.
  • Date Range: Select pages in a range between two dates.
  • Status: Select pages based on their publication status.

Via tech-recipes

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