How to Insert links to comment Blog frame
This article will guide you new to Blogger (blogspot) insert link as Anchor text comments Blogger frame.
Insert the link (anchor text or Text link) the comments quite simple, but perhaps cause of the comments framework does not have a fast link insertion tool as editor when writing so you do not notice. Inserting this link format will help brief review is presented (when sending multiple links), and it also helps you in SEO (Tips: You should read How to find a dofollow CommentLuv blog to build the backlinks)
Here is the code:
<a href=”URL“> TEXT </ a>
In which:
URL: The link to the article
TEXT: Text for the link
For example, when you post comments:
<a href=”“> Techtiplib </a>: Where you can find software <a hrel=”“> Giveaway </a>.
Then the results show would be: Techtiplib: Where you can find software Giveaway.
That’s all!