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How to link Skype account to Microsoft account and Facebook

Posted In Internet - By Techtiplib on Friday, January 4th, 2013 With No Comments »

You can now sign in Skype with your Microsoft account (formerly Windows Live ID), Facebook account, and see presence as well as send and receive IM messages from your friends who are using Messenger, Xbox, Hotmail or

Recommended reading: How to unlink Skype and Microsoft or Facebook accounts

Step 1. Download and install the Skype for Windows (or download Skype for Windows Portable)


You choose sign in with Microsoft account or Facebook account

Step 2. Signed in with your Microsoft account to the application

tech tips, tips, skype tips, link skype and microsoft, skype and facebook
tech tips, tips, skype tips, link skype and microsoft, skype and facebook

Step 3. A dialogue appears asking if you’d like to link your existing Skype account with the Microsoft account, and you selected yes and entered your Microsoft account details

Step 4. The Skype account and Microsoft account is linked.

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