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How to Set Editing Restrictions in Word 2013

Posted In MS office - By Techtiplib on Monday, January 21st, 2013 With No Comments »

Proof-reading articles often require a second pair of eyes, but at times rather than suggesting changes to be incorporated direct modifications are made in the document by the proof-readers, without the writer’s consent. Some may find this discouraging as it takes for them hours to complete a document but just minutes for an editor/proof-reader to strike that tag line out.

Word 2013 has a feature called ‘Editing Restrictions’ that helps such writers restrict unnecessary editing & formatting by proof-readers to their documents.

How to Set Editing Restrictions in Word 2013

Open the document for which you would like to set editing restrictions and choose the ‘Review’ tab, placed of the ribbon interface.

Editing Restrictions 6

Next, from the ‘Protect’ section, select ‘Restrict Editing’ option. Once selected, you will be in the editing restriction area. From here you can provide options for setting editing restrictions.

Editing Restrictions, MS office, MS Word, office 2013, tech tips, tips, Word 2013, Word tips

Just under the heading that reads as ‘Editing Restrictions’, check the box adjacent to the following option – ‘Allow only this type of editing in the document’.

Editing Restrictions, MS office, MS Word, office 2013, tech tips, tips, Word 2013, Word tips

Here you can set the formatting restrictions as well for the document. However, these restrictions aren’t that important. So, you can leave the options in as-it-is state.

When done, click on the drop-down arrow and from the list of options displayed, choose the desired option. If you would not like to allow others make any changes to your document, you can go for the ‘No changes’ (Read only mode). Still, many prefer choosing the ‘Comments’ option as it does not allow the reader to make changes to your documents but suggest some changes via comments, if required.

Editing Restrictions, MS office, MS Word, office 2013, tech tips, tips, Word 2013, Word tips

Next, if you are ready to apply the chosen settings, click on ‘Yes, Start Enforcing Protection’ button and wait for a few seconds.

Editing Restrictions, MS office, MS Word, office 2013, tech tips, tips, Word 2013, Word tips

A small ‘Start Enforcing Protection’ window will appear on your computer screen, offering you the option to password protect the Restriction on the document.

Editing Restrictions, MS office, MS Word, office 2013, tech tips, tips, Word 2013, Word tips

That’s it! With these settings in place, a proof-reader will invariably have the permission to leave comments and recommendations, but any attempts of introducing direct changes in the document will fail.

Might you also like How to Change the Color of a Document Page.

Via Thewindowsclub

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