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Spying On Your PC with Computer Monitoring Software

Posted In Utilities, Products Review - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, January 29th, 2013 With No Comments »

Over the years, Computer Monitoring Software (sometimes known as Computer Surveillance Software or a Keylogger) has evolved from simply being able to monitor keystrokes, to monitoring every aspect of a user’s computer activity. Computer Monitoring Software in 2013 has been developed to be easy to use and extremely stealthy, making it the perfect tool for a wide range of tasks. The article should read: Find out When your PC was Turned On with TurnedOnTimesView.

Computer Monitoring

Whether you’re looking for evidence of a cheating spouse, monitoring your wayward sons PC or trying to catch out those employees who are on Facebook every time the bosses back is turned, Computer Monitoring Software can help. Before you begin though, make sure you know the laws in your state; in general, if you own the computer you want to monitor, you’re fine. Just remember that using Computer Monitoring Software maliciously, can get you into serious trouble. 

So what are the possibilities with surveillance software in 2013? Pretty much anything that the user engages in on the computer will be monitored. After downloading and installing an application – a process which should only take a few minutes – you’ll be able to set a secret key combination and password so that only you can access the user interface. Once set, most Computer Monitoring Software will run in complete stealth; you won’t see any trace of it in the majority of the Windows interfaces, including the program files directory and the task manager. Alternatively, some applications allow you to show an icon in the icon tray to show the user they are being monitored.

Most applications will have a tab or section for each feature, organizing the logs with date and time stamps and reporting the following:

  • All applications used.
  • All websites visited.
  • Everything typed and the application or website it was typed in (including passwords).
  • All documents opened, saved or deleted.
  • Anything printed.
  • Anything copied and pasted.
  • Any files moved or deleted.

reviews, technology reviews, computer monitoring

These features are the standard set that you will find in most Computer Monitoring Software, although some developers have more, some have less. The other standard feature you will find is screen shot capture which you can set to every time a new window is made active or at certain time intervals.

All of this can be browsed whenever you log in using your secret key combination and password, but most software will also have an ’email reports’ feature that will send the logs covertly to your email address, for you to review at a different location to avoid the risk of getting caught out. All of these features will be configurable to your specific situation.

Computer Monitoring Software in 2013 has become a comprehensive tool for surveillance that should definitely be considered for problems within the home. And if that doesn’t quite do the trick remember there’s similar software for smart phones and tablets, that are becoming increasingly easy to install and use. Recommended reading: LockItTight – Online monitor computer and Android.

If you’re interested in testing a Computer monitoring application with all the features mentioned above, take a look at Gecko Monitor, which has a free trial that can be found at

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