The signboard of the website: the domain name
Websites nowadays play a vital role in the success of businesses and firms. This is due to their flexibility and versatility that includes marketing and, in some cases, online transactions as well. Companies gain double profits through their presence in the real world as well as the online world. So why not branch your business further onto the internet instead of sticking to conventional means of doing business? A website basically has two major components: a server and a domain name. Let’s call a website a shop, just for explanatory purposes; with only a domain name, it would be like a shop with just a signboard and nothing else inside it.
On the other hand, if there is no domain name, the website would be a shop with no signboard and therefore it won’t attract any customers. So, it is very necessary to have these two things in order to make sure that the website is successful. Providing a domain name is usually done by web hosting companies and in many cases it is included in website designing packages. A domain name is basically a registered name only designed to work with one website so it is very important to choose a good name that is relevant to the content on the website.
It would be very pointless if the website is named “” when it actually has no sort of online transaction system. This is the reason why a domain name is very important for a website because it acts as a signboard and attracts online traffic. The domain name also helps the search engine find the website easily as it will only look for a website name that is relevant to the search query. Registering a domain name should not be taken lightly as the business’s success depends on the name and a website owner would not want people to go to other websites that offer the same thing as what their website does. It is advised that the domain name is as short and easy to type as possible.
Moreover, another factor affects the success of the website which is the extension after the domain. These extensions are mostly ‘.com’ and having a website with some other extension such as ‘.org’ might result in less traffic as people are not very familiar with it. Spending on a good domain would be a decision that you’ll not regret as it will definitely pay off. However, at the same time the website must also be carefully planned by well reputed web hosting companies that have had a nice amount of experience in doing what they do best. Having just an attractive signboard won’t do the trick, which is why there must be a perfect balance between the website’s domain name and its design. Moreover, there are some things that you should be careful about when registering or buying a domain name on your own. Precautions must be taken against the hundreds of online scams and fake payments which is why it is better to let web hosting companies do it for you.
Author BIO: Jack Jameson is passionate about web hosting and domains (interesting to know is that the Swedish term is domän). He shares useful tips on those topics in various blogs online. Currently he lives in Sweden and if you want to get your website hosted there, you can try his favorite provider – UnoEuro.