Tips to help keep your Windows Phone 8 secure
Windows Phone 8 is secure by design. Many security features are turned on by default. For example, apps you download from the Windows Phone Store are tested by Microsoft and encrypted to make sure you don’t accidentally install malicious software on your phone.
There are also a number of ways that you can help keep your information safe and your phone healthy. Here are some easy things to consider doing:
Lock your Windows Phone
To help prevent someone from using your phone without your permission (making phone calls, reading your email, and so on), it’s good to use a password, see How do I set or change a password on Windows Phone, How to set the time to enter a password to unlock Windows Phone.
Set up Kid’s Corner
If you’ve ever handed your smartphone to a child, you know that they can quickly get into all sorts of apps and settings they shouldn’t. No such worries with Kid’s Corner, a place on your phone where your child can play with the games, apps, music, and videos you add there, but can’t get to the rest of your stuff. To learn more, see How to set up Kid’s Corner.
Backup your Windows Phone
Windows Phone 8 can automatically save your phone settings, text messages, photos, and videos to the cloud so you’ll have a backup if something happens to your phone. For details, see How to ack up my stuff.
Use the free Find My Phone service
Whether your phone is lodged between couch cushions or left in a taxi, misplacing it is a drag. But setting up Find My Phone can help. From your browser, you can ring your phone, find it on a map, lock it, or even erase it. You can also send your contact info (or another brief message) to show on the lock screen, just in case some kind soul has found it. This “set it and forget it” step is great for your peace of mind.
Say yes to updates
Your phone is designed to work better when it’s running the latest software updates from Microsoft and your phone manufacturer. When you see a notification on your phone that an update is available, download and install it. See How do I update my phone software? for more information.