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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

FREE game TNNS for Android

Posted In Mobile, Android, Games - By Techtiplib on Tuesday, February 26th, 2013 With No Comments »

TNNS (pronounced “Tennis”) is a game about bouncing and bending balls. It’s a game about keeping your eyes on balls.

Sometimes there are a lot of balls. Too bad you only have two eyes.

Your psychic paddle zips to your finger. Wiggle to bend ball paths once (or twice) to make tricky shots in two hot modes.

TNNS For One: It’s you and a never-ending sequence of progressively trickier levels. Collect star coins; smash star boxes to proceed. Survive as long as you can. Spend money to buy power-ups to boost your scores. Brag to your friends on Facebook or Game Center.

TNNS For Two: If you play TNNS with a friend, they might become your best friend . . . or your worst enemy. Bring the skills you’ve sharpened in single-player to a multi-ball challenge. Bend and swerve. Stage crazy fake-outs. Sink epic shots. Scream when you win; scream when you lose.

android, Android apps, Android games, download games, free games, games, mobile games


– Very challenging, fast paced game based on a classic concept: Don’t miss the ball!
– Two Modes: Single-player is an endless ball-bouncing bonanza; Two-player is a portable party that will turn any other human into your best friend.
– GameCircle Leaderboards and Achievement tracking for Kindle users.? Hundreds of hand-crafted levels: – TNNS randomly selects the levels you play from a deck of literally hundreds.
– Power-ups: Spend the star coins you earn during the game to purchase power-ups — multi-balls, protective barriers, or almighty fireballs — to boost your scores and bragging rights even higher.
– Customize Shop bursting with backgrounds you can unlock. Clouds! Football field! Tennis courts!

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