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How to Create 3-D text inside your Powerpoint 2013 or Word 2013

Posted In MS office - By Techtiplib on Saturday, February 16th, 2013 With No Comments »

Adding three dimensional text to your PowerPoint presentation is a great way to attract and hold your audience’s attention.

This tech-recipe will show you a simple way of creating 3-D text inside of your PowerPoint presentation. We will combine WordArt with a couple of Shape Effects to create the best possible 3-D text right from your slide show.

My example below was done within PowerPoint, but it can also be duplicated within a Word document by following the same exact steps.

Step 1: First, create your text as a WordArt. This will help create the desired 3-D effect. You will want to first select the INSERT tab from the PowerPoint ribbon.

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Step 2: Under the Insert tab expand WordArt and then pick a style that will accent your presentation.

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Step 3: As you can see, our text is starting to take shape. Now, you can enhance the 3-D effect by adding a 3-D rotation. This can be done by selecting Shape Effectsunder the INSERTtab. 
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Step 4: From Shape Effects, select 3-D Rotation, and then pick a a style that you think works best. Remember that you can live-preview before selecting it by simply hovering your mouse over the effect. For this tutorial, I will select the fifth option under Perspective.

MS office, MS Word, office 2013, tech tips, tips, Word 2013, Word tips, create 3D text, MS Powerpoint, office tips, powerpoint, powerpoint 2010, powerpoint tips, powerpoint tricks,

Step 5: Now, to really finish this effect, we will add a reflection to the text. To do this, select Shape Effects, and then choose Reflection. From here, you can pick the intensity and distance of the reflection. Play around with a few options to find the perfect one for you.

MS office, MS Word, office 2013, tech tips, tips, Word 2013, Word tips, create 3D text, MS Powerpoint, office tips, powerpoint, powerpoint 2010, powerpoint tips, powerpoint tricks,

Our 3-D text is complete.

MS office, MS Word, office 2013, tech tips, tips, Word 2013, Word tips, create 3D text, MS Powerpoint, office tips, powerpoint, powerpoint 2010, powerpoint tips, powerpoint tricks,

When creating three-dimensional text for your slide show or document, be sure to use it sparingly. Too many effects will steer your document away from being professional.

Via Tech-recipes

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