Library Technology - Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Ondesoft Audio Recorder for Mac

Posted In Multimedia - By Techtiplib on Monday, February 25th, 2013 With No Comments »

Ondesoft Audio Recorder is a powerful and easy-to-use Mac audio recording software, with it, you can capture and record audio from any application on Mac (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Skype, iChat, iTunes, VLC, QuickTime, FaceTime), record website media like YouTube, Vimeo, Pandora, Lastfm, GrooveShark, and iTunes Radio, grab audio from Mic and CD player.


– Record your favorite audio from any program on your mac, including: recording Safari, Chrome, Skype, VLC, and many others.

– Grab and record your favorite songs from websites like YouTube…

– Use the built-in editing function to trim all the fat, leaving you with exactly what you want and just what you need on your Mac.

– True lossless recording quality ensures you capture exactly what you hear on your Mac.

– Save to any one of the most popular audio file formats on Mac, including: MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, and many more.

giveaway, giveaways, audio tool, audio recorder, media tool, multimedia

Download FREE Ondesoft Audio Recorder for Mac  for 24 hours

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