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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Chrome app: Webcam Toy

Posted In Browser, Web apps - By Techtiplib on Saturday, March 9th, 2013 With No Comments »

Take photos with your webcam using over 70 free fun effects. Save photos to your computer and post to Twitter or Facebook!

Play with more than 70 fun camera effects and filters, take photos, download to save on your computer or post them straight to Twitter and Facebook!


The app should load in a few seconds. Allow access to your web camera when prompted, then choose your webcam from the list available. Next choose a type of effect from the menu in the lower half of the screen by pressing the left or right arrows. Take a picture by pressing the camera button, then choose to download or share.

Also use these keyboard shortcut keys in the app:
← → Arrow keys – Go to previous/next effect.
‘G’ – Show the Grid view, where you can see 9 effects at once.
‘I’ – Show the Info (settings) menu.
‘S’ – Square the photo (good for avatar/profile pictures).
‘F’ – Turn the camera flash on or off.
‘C’ – Turn the photo Countdown on or off.
‘M’ – Mirror the photo (good for when showing words to the camera).

web app, chrome apps, browser, app for web, chrome, google chrome

Add Webcam Toy for your Chrome here

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