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Library Technology – Reviews, Tips, Giveaways, Freeware

Feedly. Google Reader News RSS for Android

Posted In Android, Mobile - By Techtiplib on Thursday, March 21st, 2013 With No Comments »

Feedly is a new way to browse the content of your favorite sites, rss feeds, tumblr blogs and youtube channels. Instead of having to hunt down for information, feedly uses RSS to aggregate the contents of the news sites you like and deliver them as a fast mobile-optimized experience.

Feedly is an RSS news reader re-imagined for android phones and tablets. It makes browsing faster: the content of your rss feeds are transformed into pocket-sized cards which load very fast and are easy to browse.

The feedly UI is custom tailored for a 4″ phone, a 7″ tablet and a 10″ tablet. If you run feedly on a tablet, you will get an experience which is very close to a personalized magazine.

When you run feedly on a phone and on a tablet, the configuration will automatically syncs between both devices.

Feedly also offers two way sync with Google Reader: articles your read in feedly are automatically marked as read in Google Reader. Articles you save for later in feedly are automatically starred in Google Reader. RSS feeds you add to feedly are automatically added to Google Reader.

Feedly makes sharing content on twitter, facebook and google+ very simple, either directly or using Buffer.

google reader, android, Android apps, mobile apps

Download FREE Feedly app for your Android here

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