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16 ways to increase Alexa rank

Posted In Webmaster - By Techtiplib on Thursday, April 4th, 2013 With No Comments »

Alexa ranking is getting really important from last couple of years and used as an important tool for analyzing your site for you and others. Alexa ranking is actually a based on number of views to your blog or website through their toolbar which is most frustrating part of the Alexa Ranking feature and keeping that into account here are Top 15 easy and Quick ways to increase alexa ranking of your website.

alexa rank, increase alexa rank

  1. Set up Alexa toolbar and visit your blog daily as alexa rank is generally decided on the basis on number of visits to a website through alexa Toolbar.
  2. Use Alexa visitors badge in your web site or blog as it helps visitors to go to your alexa webpage which is a sign for alexa that your Website is popular also try to use some Use Alexa logos and buttons in your blog which leads to alexa webpage of your website..
  3. Declare your web site from Alexa website to get maximum authority on your blog which can be done few easy steps and is a must so that you can see the various statistics.
  4. Now this step is generally the most important one and that is to Update your blog day by day with good quality and unique content articles as in the end this is the only thing that will lead you to the heights you want to achieve.
  5. Encourage your blog guests to make use Alexa toolbar by creating a uses of alexa toolbar article on your website or blog.
  6. Examine your Alexa rank regularly on their webpage about your website this tactic is same to the one in above point.
  7. Comment on websites that belong to your content type along with your weblog URL in comment type’s URL space as it will generate the important linksin to your website thus increasing your Alexa Rank eventually.
  8. Inform your mates and relatives to put in Alexa toolbar and go to your blog daily and also visit your Alexa rank webpage on alexa website as it helps you to increase your alexa rank.
  9. Set your weblog or website as homepage in your house pc, office laptop, College PCs, etc and ask your friends to do the same on their PCs after installing alexa toolbar.
  10. Write 2-3 articles associated to Alexa in your weblog as this may work as everyone likes articles about them and gets generous.
  11. Attempt to get extra visitors from those important social networking and social bookmarking sites as they are the most important aspect of website quality post penguin Google update.
  12. Just in case you are a rich lad try using their audit known as alexa audit which you know how will it increase your alexa rank
  13. Create a Category and Tag about alexa in your blog although not confirmed but there is a myth about this over the webmasters
  14. Attempt to get traffic from not only from your country but from around the globe and encourage all of them to use the Alexa Toolbar as it will surely increase your alexa rank in the future.
  15. Don’t go overboard on Alexa rank it’s not everything and it changes daily concentrate on your website and not these analytics Ranks. you will reach there in the coming days.
  16. Use free online tool to improve Alexa such as: Alexaboostup


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