How to create and upgrade your Lastpass account to over 2 years Premium
As you know LastPass is the best password manager, to use LastPass with full function you have pay $1 per month. You also can get 6 month premium with your .EDU email, read Free 6 months Premium Account Lastpass. With your account you can easily get FREE 24 months premium by refering your friends to register, each turn you will be registered for free 1 months. This article show you How to create and upgrade Lastpass to over 2 years Premium:
Step 1. Sign up for an account at LastPass with the email address that you want (without using email. edu)
Step 2. Upon successful registration in step 1, you upgrade to a Premium Account 6 months with an email address. edu. Access to address LastPass Edupromo/ enter your email address. “edu”/ click “Send email”/ click on the activation link via email/ login page appears in your account/ will succeed to the 6 month premium.
Tip: You can have an email address. Edu address using “ROB2212302 +”. Replace “xxx” with the name you want. For example: + ROB2212302
Use email address above to subscribe in step 2. Then visit Yopmail > fill “esoftblog” in the “Type the name of CHOICE Email”> click “Check Inbox” to check the mail box. And wait for the email!
Step 3. Invite your friends and use free Premium 1 month / 1 respectively to register a maximum of 24 times, equivalent to 2 years. After completing the above steps, you log into LastPass, then visit the address: LastPass invite/ you will see there are many ways to share: send mail, share on social networks…