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How to set Auto-Fit Page for Android browser

Posted In Mobile, Android, Browser - By Techtiplib on Sunday, April 28th, 2013 With No Comments »

You may not know, some features of computer version of a website do not offer for mobile version. Cause they are not formatted for the phone’s screen size. In this article you can learn how to fix the problem.
Note: This tutorial is written based on Samsung Android stock 4.1.2 firmware. The steps may vary for phones from other manufacturers.

Step 1: Open app drawer then open the Internet/Browser app.

Step 2: Tap the Menu button on your phone and then choose Settings from the list.

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Step 3: Tap on the Advanced button.

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Step 4: At the Advanced Settings screen, scroll to find the Auto-fit pages – Format Web pages to fit the screen option. Then make sure that this option’s box is checked.

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Step 5: Go back to main browser interface, and load a webpage. The text of the webpage will be adjusted to fit your screen size. Now, you do not have to swipe left and right to read articles anymore.

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Step 6: Later, if you want to turn this feature off, just go back to the same place and uncheck the auto-fit option’s check box.

Source: Tech-recipes

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