5 FREE plugin for WordPress that your blogs should have
As you know WordPress is a blog publishing system written in PHP programming language and uses MySQL database (MySQL database). And WordPress is the most popular open source in the world.
Now you can find millions plugins for WordPress on WordPress.org, they can do almost everything for you but some of them are unnecessary and waste of time. In this article I share you 5 FREE plugin that I love and I think you love too.
1. BulletProof Security
BulletProof Security is the Security tool for Worpdress blog, it can prevent your website from hackers. It also protects your blog from various bad activities.
2. Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin
With Akismet you will never worry about the spam problem, but you should not miss Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin. Growmap Anti Spambot will add a client side generated checkbox to your comment form asking users to confirm that they are not a spammer.
3. nRelate
If you want to change your style by displaying related content, such as choose display thumbnails or Text, on all your pages. nRelate can: Automatically display before or after each post; Use the [nrelate-related] shortcode in your post; Use our widget in any widget area in your theme; Place the nrelate_related() function in your theme files.
4. Google XML Sitemaps
Google XML Sitemaps will create XML sitemap that will help search engines as: Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com to better index your blog.
5. Contact Form 7
Contact function indispensable for any website, with Contact Form 7 you can create and manage contact form, customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup…
>> Read more at The Essential WordPress comment plugins for Blog